Please note: This program is shareware!!! You may test it for 10 days without obligation. After this time, please pay the shareware fee (see below for payment options). Thank you!!!
Background and creation:
I love spending time finding new ways to customize my Mac, so just imagine my joy when I installed Mac OS 8 and discovered that the Desktop Pictures control panel was fully scriptable :-) I just had to find a way to change the desktop picture whenever I felt like it with the least possible hassle. It doesn't get any easier than this!!! In fact, I've created a macro which points to Random Desktop Picture and launches it for me automatically with the press of just one button :-)
Mac OS 8
AppleScript extension
Desktop Pictures control panel (which is part of Mac OS 8)
Numerics scripting addition
For best use, one of the preferred programs for Random Desktop Picture (tiled, centered, etc.) should be kept handy. For example, it could be accessed from the Apple Menu, with an alias on the Desktop, or via a macro command.
Before launching Random Desktop Picture for the first time, it will be necessary to create a folder in which the possible desktop pictures will reside; this folder should be kept in a place where it is very unlikely to move, such as the root level of the System Folder. Then ten PICT files must be copied into this folder.
Finally, the pathnames to the files must be updated in the Random Desktop Picture applet. Using the Script Editor, open the applet and change the first ten uncommented lines to the pathnames to each of the ten PICT files to be used. Resave the applet, then launch it (or press Command-R if still in Script Editor).
Shareware fee:
Random Desktop Picture is being released as shareware. The shareware fee covers the entire Random Desktop Picture package, including all five applets. You may test this program for a period of ten days. To continue to use Random Desktop Picture after this time, please send in the shareware fee using one of the two options below:
Option 1) Please send $5.00 (cash, check, or money order; U.S. funds only, please) payable to "J. Stafford" to me at the snail-mail address below.
Option 2) Please send a disk containing one or more of your original shareware programs, registered to "J. Stafford," to me at the snail-mail address below. Please do not send programs electronically; overstuffing my mailbox is not very nice, and hogging Internet bandwidth creates many enemies >:-(
Site licenses and organization-wide licenses are also available. Please contact me at the address below for more information.
Contact information:
I may be contacted at the following addresses:
Snail-mail: Random Desktop Picture v1.1
c/o J. Stafford
414 S. Craig St. #238
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Version history:
Version 1.1
- Five applets distributed with archive for the five positioning possibilities supported by the control panel
- RDP now supports ten PICT files (previous version only supported four)
- README file and Registration Form updated
- Updated and tested on 603e PowerPC Performa 6360 running at 160MHz using Mac OS 8
Version 1.0
- Initial release of Random Desktop picture and accompanying README file
- Developed and tested on 603e PowerPC Performa 6360 running at 160MHz using Mac OS 8
Future versions:
I will update Random Desktop Picture as necessary. The newest version will always be available at my Web site:
About the author:
I am currently a graduate student studying French literature. In my spare time, I enjoy programming in AppleScript, and writing various poems and short stories. Check my Web site (at the Web address given above) for more information.
Thank you first to Apple for giving the world the Macintosh :-) Thanks also to Apple for creating AppleScript and especially for making it such an English-like language. And thank you also to the Berkeley Macintosh User Group (BMUG) for The Tao of AppleScript, which was my introduction to scripting.
As author of Random Desktop Picture, I claim no responsibility for the user's ability or inability to properly use this program as intended, nor for any harm which may be caused to the user's computer equipment or data. This program was clear of viruses at the time it was uploaded to the Internet. Random Desktop Picture may only be distributed when in its original form and when accompanied by this README file. Written permission of the author of Random Desktop Picture must first be obtained before this program may be included on CD-ROM and diskette shareware collections.